As Seen In CIO Review & Information Week

Enable IT, Finance, and DevOps teams to work together to optimize cloud resources for speed, cost, and quality.

MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: We leverage our global buying power and team of Certified Cloud Engineers to lower your annual Cloud infrastructure costs without diminishing your application performance


Cloud Cost Reduction

Cloud Cost Reduction

We only get paid if we save you money. History shows us that we can save you somewhere between 10-25% off your current annual hosting costs. And the best part is that we only get paid a percentage of your cost savings and we offer a money back gaurantee on your satisfaction. 

Our team will look at your existing infrastructure and conduct an analysis of the cost for moving to the AWS or Google Cloud. If you have existing Cloud workload our team are experts at looking evaluating the configurations to maximize cost and performance and lower your carbon footprint. 

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man in black and white plaid dress shirt standing beside man in green crew neck t

Network Infrastructure & Managed IT Support

Our team is composed of certified network engineers that can design and support your WAN/LAN and VoIP phone system or UCS. We offer full service remote IT support for your onsite server and networking equipment including DNS, and VoIP infrastructure, email/spam gateway and Layer 7 WAF. 

Elastistack is a reseller and partner of Broadcom; Cisco; Juniper; HP; Netgear; Arista networking equipment. We resell and support Dell and SuperMicro Servers with Nvidia chipsets. 

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Cyber-Security Solutions & IT Risk Assessment

Cyber-Security Solutions & IT Risk Assessment

This service provides IT security services such as firewalls, antivirus, malware protection, intrusion detection, and Layer 7 WAF proxies to filter traffic and protect your websites. We run penetration tests on your network perimeter and create an action plan.

Our scanning services will provide you with an independant report and CVS score based on the serverity of the risk.  Our team are experts at HIPAA and PCI security and data protection/privacy compliance. 

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About BetterCloudOps

We exist to bring enterpise Cloud pricing to small and medium sized businesses.

We offer engineering services that reduce your cloud hosting costs through optimization, financial planning with native cloud and 3rd party tools, and collective pricing power. 

BCO's founding team are former enterprise CIO's, CTO's & DevOps ldeader with experience running large infrastructure workloads for Fortune 1000 companies and have conducted hundreds of cloud deployment/optimization projects. 


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